Food Safety Manager Training Certification Exam and On-line Training
Meets Ohio Department of Health requirements for Manager Level Certification in Food Protection
Don’t have the time to sit through a Food Safety Training? Can’t find one near you? We have the answer!
OSU Extension has partnered with TAP (Training Achievement Program) Series to offer an on-line version of Food Safety training which meets all ODH requirements. You can complete the online course at your own speed and at a time that works for you. Once training is completed, you will take a proctored certification exam at OSU Extension, Pickaway County – 110 Island Rd., Suite B, Circleville, Ohio.
Cost: $175/person
Contact: Jessica Lowe at the Pickaway County OSU Extension Office to schedule today!
Phone: (740)-474-7534
Level 2 Online Food Safety Manager Training
Food Safety Manager online training is being offered by Ohio State University Extension, Pickaway County in partnership with TAP Series. This program meets Ohio Department of Health (ODH) requirements for Manager Level Certification in Food Protection.
Registration fee of $175 is non-refundable for both the online class and exam. There is an additional fee of $25, if the selected exam date is rescheduled. The ServSafe Manager exam is proctored by an OSU Extension educator who is a Certified ServSafe® Proctor.
How to Register:
- Contact Jessica Lowe at 740-474-7534 or to register by paying $175 to OSU Extension and sending the following information: Name, Email, Phone Number, and Organization. Please make checks payable to Pickaway County OSU Extension. Schedule an exam date/time by calling 740-474-7534 or emailing (allow 2-4 weeks to complete the training). If you need to take the exam utilizing a language besides English, accomidations can be provided. Special accommodation request must be received 10 days before the exam date.
- Each individual registered will receive 2 email messages (one from TAP and one from OSUE) containing username/password and additional class information allowing access to the online class.
- Student takes the online class (about 2-4 weeks) and prints the Certificate of Completion.
- Before the exam date, the student provides (mails or emails) a copy of the Certificate indicating completion of the online training to the Extension Office.
- Student takes the ServSafe Manager Exam on their scheduled date at the Pickaway County OSU Extension Office, 110 Island Rd., Suite B, Circleville, OH 43113 proctored by OSU Extension staff who will submit the exam answer sheet to the National Restaurant Association to be graded.
- When the student passes the exam, proctor will email/mail student score report and ServSafe certificate.
- Passing score will be submitted to ODH by proctor for the ODH certificate. Proctor will email the ODH certificate to the student when received.
Questions? Contact Jessica Lowe at 740-474-7534 or, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension and Registered ServSafe Proctor