OSU Farm Office - The OSU Farm Office now has available a complete listing of COVID-19 economic relief programs for agriculture.

Ohio Ag Manager - Management Information for Today's Agricultural Businesses

C.O.R.N Newsletter - Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

Ohio Farm Custom Rates - Many Ohio farmers hire custom farm work in their farm business or perform custom farm work for others. The rates reported in this publication are based on survey results from Ohio farmers, custom operators and farm managers.

Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents - This survey is conducted annually drawing on the expertise of numerous professionals that are knowledgeable of Ohio's cropland markets.

Farm Management Publications - OSU Department of Agriculture, Environmental & Development Economics (OSU AEDE)

C. Wayne Ellett Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic - Providing state-of-the-art diagnostic services at Ohio State University for our customers who have plant disease and insect related problems

Ohio Line Fence Law - Line fence law is the body of law that establishes rules and responsibilities for fences placed on the division line between properties in rural areas. Also referred to as the "partition fence" law, Ohio's line fence law underwent a major revision in 2008. On this page, you'll find explanations of the new law and a link to the new statutory provisions in Chapter 971 of the Ohio Revised Code. Also located here are a summary of court cases, a fact sheet on Ohio's former line fence law (which is no longer in effect) and links to resources on line fence laws in other states.

Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program - Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program provides training, education, and outreach to pesticide applicators about the safe, proper, and legal use of pesticides. The program works with farmers, businesses, and public agencies to protect human health and the environment and serves as a critical part of job training and business growth in Ohio.

Call Before You Cut - This web site is the joint effort of a coalition of conservation groups seeking to help landowners make sound decisions about the health and future of their woodlands.