These information sheets contain some basic information to assist 4-H members in preparing for the Pickaway County Fair
- So You Are Taking a Beef Project
- So You Are Taking a Dog Project
- So You Are Taking a Goat Project
- So You Are Taking a Hog Project
- So You Are Taking a Horse Project
- So You Are Taking a Llama Alpaca Project
- So You Are Taking a Poultry Project
- So You Are Taking a Rabbit Project
- So You Are Taking a Sheep Project
2025 Pickaway County Fair Book
2025 Livestock Requirements Summary
Poultry Resources for Ohio 4-H - Including breed ID videos, biosecurity resources and 4-H poultry resources from eXtension.
2022 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Update
Sheep Resources for Ohio 4-H - Video series that includes information on selection, basic nutrition, showmanship, clipping and more!
10 Good Production Practices (GPP's)
Check out these Livestock Information Videos from our Pickaway County 4-H Facebook page.
Getting Started On Your Livestock Record Books
Livestock Record Pages - What Goes Where
Visit and like our Ohio State - Pickaway County 4-H Facebook Page for the lastest updates and other important information.
Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Important Information
On January 1, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) new regulations addressing on-farm antibiotic use in food-animal production must be implemented. The agency’s effort is aimed at eliminating the use of medically important (to human illness) antibiotics for growth promotion purposes in food-animal production and bringing therapeutic use in feed and water – to treat, control or prevent specific disease – under additional veterinary oversight. Producers, veterinarians, feed mills and suppliers will all face new requirements. This affects everyone (including 4-H members as youth producers) keeping, owning, and/or raising food-producing animals. It is very important that 4-H members and their families establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) prior to January 1, 2017. Click on the link below to download the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Fact Sheet for 4-H Youth Livestock Producers and Families, important to read and understand when taking Ohio 4-H food-producing animal projects, even if they are not intended for food production.
Project Enrollment for 4-H and FFA Members & Showing Animals at the Ohio State Fair
4-H members must be enrolled in their county in the project in which they enter to show at the Ohio State Fair Junior Livestock Shows (including poultry, rabbits, and dogs), regardless of whether that project is offered for county exhibition. (1) For example: To show in a gilt class at the Ohio State Fair, youth must be enrolled in project 140 Swine Breeding Project and Record Book. (2) For example: To show a dairy feeder at the Ohio State Fair, youth must be enrolled in project 117DF Dairy Beef Feeder (Market); (3) For example: To show breeding poultry (chickens) at the Ohio State Fair, 4-H members must be enrolled in project 150CE, Exhibition Chickens; to show breeding poultry (ducks), they must be enrolled in project 150DE, Exhibition Ducks, and so forth. (4) For example: To show a dog in agility at the Ohio State Fair, 4-H members must be enrolled in project 201P, Performance; to show the same dog in obedience, project 201O, Obedience, etc.
FFA members must enter to show at the Ohio State Fair the same animal project they are taking through their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). (1) For example: To show a market lamb at the Ohio State Fair, FFA members must be taking market lambs as one of their Supervised Agricultural Experiences. For example: (2) To show a beef breeding heifer at the Ohio State Fair, FFA members must be taking breeding beef as one of their Supervised Agricultural Experiences.
Note: The same animal cannot be enrolled in two projects in the county (exception dog projects and 4-H PetPALS), with the youth planning to enter one or the other project at the Ohio State Fair. Decisions must be made by project enrollment deadline or county’s animal identification deadline (whichever comes first). (1) For example: A youth is not permitted to enroll the same beef animal in a breeding project (117B Beef Breeding) AND in a market project (117M Market Beef). (2) For example: A youth is not permitted to enroll the same rabbit in a pet rabbit project (Pet Rabbit Project and Record Book 227) AND in a breeding rabbit project (Breeding Rabbit Project and Record Book 225). She/he must choose which project in which to enroll that animal by county deadlines for that species. (3) Exception dog projects: For example: Youth may enroll the same dog in multiple dog projects such as in You and Your Dog (201D); Obedience (201O); Performance (201P) and Showmanship (201S) provided that dog can perform the required exercises of each project at the Ohio State Fair. (4) Exception: 4-H PetPALS: Youth may enroll in a pet rabbit project (225) and 4-H PetPALS (230), or 150CE Exhibition Chickens and 230 4-H PetPALS, etc. with the same animal.