What is a 4-H Project?

A 4-H project is made up of three types of activities:

  • Hands-on activities: making, producing, selling, practicing, observing, testing, interviewing, etc.
  • Organized activities: demonstrations, speeches, workshops, camps, county judging, exhibits, etc.
  • Leadership/Citizenship activities: planning, teaching, assisting, informing, organizing, etc.

When choosing a project, consider your interests, background, what is necessary to start your project, and what resources are available to help you complete it.

The 2025 Ohio 4-H Project Guide is the complete listing of all Ohio 4-H Projects.

Please be aware of the following project updates for the 2025 program year:

365 Aquaponics: Can I Produce My Own Food? (self determined idea starter)
365 Digital Citizenship: Being Safe Online (self determined idea starter)
365 Surviving in the Great Outdoors (self determined idea starter)
385 Local Government: Answer the Call
489 Microscope Mysteries
549 Young Engineers in Space: Missions in Microgravity
651 Be a Sustainability Hero
652 Farm to Table to Career
Revised or Replaced: New Title (Old Title)
140R Swine Resource Handbook (same)
140 Swine Project and Record Book (139 Market Hog & 140 Swine Breeding Project & Record Books)
445 Exploring Personal Finance (Becoming Money Wise)
191R Horses, Safety, and You
358 The Truth About Tobacco
374 Teens on Board
495 Your First Home Away from Home
551 Getting to Know Your Tractor


























Self-Determined Projects
If you're a 4-H member with a great project idea of your own or someone who's ready to go beyond a current project book, consider doing a self-determined project. Use the Self-Determined Project Guide to describe your project, set goals, and record your activities. The Self-Determined Project Guide and all of the Idea Starters can be found on the Ohio 4-H Web page. *Self-Determined Projects are not recommended for members ages 9-11.

Individual project numbers for all idea starters are being dropped in 2021. Instead, youth enroll in one of these broader topic areas:
365.00 General
365.01 Companion Animal
365.02 Creative Arts
365.03 Family Life
365.04 Natural Resources
365.05 Quilt
365.06 Workforce Preparation

Pickaway County Self Determined Project Tip Sheet

Learn more about 4-H projects on Project Central
Thinking about exploring a new project area? Not sure if a project is the right fit for you? Find the answers to these questions on projectcentral.ohio4h.org! Use Project Central to digitally flip through the first pages of any project book and to read what other members and volunteers are saying about it.

Using Project Central is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4...

  1. Use three different options to SEARCH for projects and resources
  2. FIND what you are looking for
  3. Select a project or resource to LEARN about the publication. Preview sample pages and view other users' feedback.
  4. RATE the publication and add your own feedback!

Visit Project Central to find projects that interest you or to rate and leave comments about ones you already know about.