May 11, 2020 - 12:12pm --

Pickaway County will host a virtual 4-H Communications Contest! Many of you have completed demonstrations for your club.  Now is the time to participate in this event which will include Demonstration, Speeches and Marketing categories. We will not hold a Team Skit Category this year. To participate please do the following:

  1. Read the contest rules:Demonstrations and Speeches have specific time requirements according to your age.  Be sure to follow the guidelines.
  2. For speeches, demonstrations, and senior marketing entries, video your presentation and email it to  If you are unable to attach your video to an email, you can upload to youtube and email the link or post to Pickaway 4-H Facebook page (it will not actually show to the public), and we can download it from there.
  3. Include in your email your name, age as of January 1, club, and contest category. Videos may be placed on the Pickaway 4-H Facebook page after the contest.  If you do not give permission for this, include that information in your email.
  4. For Junior and Intermediate Marketing entries, please mail them to OSU Extension, P.O. Box 9, Circleville, OH 43113
  5. All entries for all categories are due by May 30.

Rosettes, certificates and cash prizes will be given to the top winners in each category.  Good luck!