Urban Agriculture Pest Management Webinar Series
Starting Friday July 15th, 2022
3 Fridays in a row
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
Register at https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5ioDwp28P2lrMyO.
July 15th
360 Degree Tours of Model Urban Ag Farms in Ohio
Do you enjoy visiting other grower’s farms to see how they operate but always seem too busy to travel there? Learn about a technology that allows for virtual “walk around” visits to four Ohio urban farms.
Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University Extension
Professor, Integrated Pest Management Program Coordinator
July 22nd
Composting with Black Soldier Flies
Learn how this insect can turn organic waste into nutrient rich soil amendments nutrients on the farm or in the garden and generate feed for small livestock, birds or other animals.
Laura Ingwell, Purdue University Entomology Extension
Assistant Professor, Fruit & Vegetable Pest Management
July 29th
Scouting for Insect Pests
Discuss how urban farmers can scout for pests, with examples of farmer-friendly scouting methods and tips.
Sam Anderson, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Urban Agriculture Specialist
IPM Trapping Explained
An insect trap in the garden is a way to monitor.
Betsy Lamb, Cornell University New York State Integrated Pest Management