January 11, 2024 - 3:24pm -- lemaster.158@osu.edu

Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

The Ohio State University Extension office in Pickaway County is currently accepting new applications for the 2024 Master Gardener Volunteer training program to be held with Fairfield Master Gardeners Fridays, April 5 - May 24, 2024. Master Gardener Volunteers in Ohio contributed over 180,000 hours of service per year with answering home horticultural questions, pest identification, school programs, demonstrations, research, and continuing education programs. Participants interested in receiving the 50-hour intensive training will learn about basic botany, plant physiology, soils, entomology, plant pathology, plant diagnostics, integrated pest management, pesticide use and safety, lawn care, home vegetable and fruit production, backyard wildlife management and much more! Working with county Ohio State Extension personnel, Master Gardener Volunteers provide educational services to their communities. If you are a garden enthusiast, this is a great opportunity to share your gardening know-how and skills with others in your community. Cost of the program has yet to be determined.
The 2024 Master Gardener Volunteer training will consist of in-person classes, online modules, hands-on labs/tours, and an oral presentation project.


To become a Pickaway County Master Gardener Volunteer you will:
1. Contact Lynn (740-497-4384) or email (lhuston@columbus.rr.com) by February 8, 2024

2. Complete 50 hours of intensive training your first year.

3.Complete a background check.

4.Complete 50 hours of volunteer service your first two years.

5.To remain an active member after the first year, complete 10 continuing education hours, 20 hours of volunteer service on a yearly basis, pay a $20 State/ County support fee, and review policies on a yearly basis.


Current Volunteer Opportunities in Pickaway County

Ask a Master Gardener Volunteer (online)

Founders Day Celebration

Horticulture Helpline

Judges for contests or fairs

Ohio Heritage Garden Ambassador

Local Park or other Public Space

Phenology Garden

Plant clinics, diagnostic clinics

Plant Sale

Presentations, educational programs

Therapeutic horticulture

Youth work

Social Media