November 7, 2023 - 8:31am --

Floral Hills Cemetery Memorial Wall Project

By: Tina Bobek

The Floral Hills Cemetery Memorial Wall project was created to provide a quiet, serene garden space for visitors to the cemetery where over 300 military veterans are buried. The intent was to design a landscape with hardy annual and perennials with a patriotic red, white and blue theme. The project was started as a Pickaway County MGV new intern project. The intern was also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Advice and direction was sought from the PCMGV members in planning the project.

The Veterans buried at Floral Hills served in the Armed Forces of the United States during WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and military conflicts up to the present time. This alone made the project worthwhile to all involved in order to honor these Veterans and their descendants.

This cemetery had been neglected –the property was abandoned and for many years the cemetery had fallen into disrepair. It has made strides toward recovery due to the help of numerous community volunteers. It has recently been purchased and renamed the Heavenly Hills Cemetery. The new owners have a large vision for the property and will continue to rely on volunteers for maintenance.  The Ashville American Legion Auxiliary will continue to volunteer to help maintain the Memorial Wall Garden. The group is dedicated to this as a service to the community.

You can find the cemetery at 17544 US-23 N  Circleville.

Flag and Garden