The coming year will certainly bring about much change. Continued tight margins in commodity agriculture, trade deals and tariffs, immigration reform, the lack of a new Farm Bill to just name a few.
Join your neighbors and friends for an evening of food and drink and hear the latest on trade policy, grains outlook, input costs, farm real estate and tax policy.
Date: January 28, 2025
Location: Rhoadhouse 56 - 1051 St Route 56 East, Circleville, Ohio 43113
Time: Dinner 5:30PM
Cost: $20.00 per person
RSVP: Required by 1/20/2025 - Call OSU Extension Pickaway County 740-474-7534
- Dr. Ian Sheldon, Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultual Marketing, Trade and Policy
- Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor
- Barry Ward, Director, OSU Extension Income Tax School Programs; Leader, Production Business Management