Ohio Beef School Webinar Series

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
OSU Extension Meeting Room
Contact email:
Contact name:
Mike Estadt
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The beef cattle industry is quickly evolving. Are you prepared to keep pace with it? We plan to explore that evolution with three fast paced, forward thinking sessions in the 2016 Ohio Beef Cattle School webinar series.

January 19: Focused on the markets featuring Oklahoma State economist Dr. Derrell Peel & United Producers’ Sam Roberts

February 2: ‘Back to Basics’ with OSU Beef Team members addressing a variety of profit centered management concepts

February 16: OSU’s Dr. Lyda Garcia will focus on the ‘end product’

Registration Required, Contact OSU Extension Pickaway Coutny 740-474-7534

Fee: TBD